Azure Skin & Wellness Centre

Restore the Body - Revive the Mind - Refresh the Soul



Reduce fat by up to 23%


CoolSculpting Treatments

Do you eat right and exercise but still have that troubled area that just won't go away? CoolSculpting is just the treatment for you.


CoolSculpting is a non-surgical, non-invasive body shaping treatment. There are no scars, knives or downtime involved in this body changing treatment. You can get right back to your daily routine immediately after your treatment.


CoolSculpting targets excess fat cells, freezing them to the point of elimination. CoolSculpting only targets fat cells and leaves the skin and muscles unaffected. After your CoolSculpting treatments, your body naturally flushes away the dead fat cells that have been frozen away by the CoolSculpting process. Within weeks of you treatments, your body will start to reveal noticeable results.


Azure Skin & Wellness Centre

408 LaFollette Station Center, Floyds Knobs, IN 47119


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