Azure Skin & Wellness Centre

Restore the Body - Revive the Mind - Refresh the Soul


Body Sculpting

A fabulous body makes people envious.



A Non-Surgical Alternative to Liposuction

VelaShape™ is the first and only safe, effective and virtually painless FDA-cleared non-surgical medical solution for the Body Reshaping and Cellulite Treatment market. It enables you to comfortably and safely achieve a toned, contoured and well shaped body in as few as 4 treatment sessions; making you look and feel more youthful. • Gradual smoothing of the skin's surface with a noticeable reduction in cellulite • Circumferential reduction, with noticeable reshaping of the treated area Improve your lifestyle and boost self-confidence. Be treated for Circumferential Reduction on the thighs and Cellulite Treatment on thighs, buttocks, love handles and abdomen. Veleshape™ contours, shapes and slims the body by improving cellulite and reducing circumference. Velashape uses the Elos technology to safely treat multiple areas including the abdomen, buttocks and thighs to reveal a smoother, tighter figure.


Visit for more info TV segments such as The Rachel Ray Show, The Dr. Phil Show, Keeping Up With The Kardashins, and on many news reports.



VelaShape Questions

What is VelaShape?

The VelaShape is the first Class II medical device cleared by the FDA for The Treatment of cellulite. The VelaShape combines vacuum suction, mechanical rollers, and elos heating through infrared light and bipolar RF energy. Reduction in cellulite and contouring of lipodystrophies (unwanted lumps, bumps, and bulges) are The Treatment goals for VelaShape.



What is cellulite?

Cellulite is a phenomenon which occurs primarily in women but sometimes in men as well. Uneven tension within the hypodermal layer of fat creates an uneven skin surface and dimpling. Hypertrophied adipocytes, trapped lymph and poor circulation all contribute to the cellulite phenomenon.



How does the VelaShape improve the appearance of cellulite?

Velashape combines gentle light and radio frequency energies with mechanical rollers and vacuum suction to manipulate the superficial fat tissue that contributes to cellulite. The heat from the light and RF energies increases metabolism of this fatty layer and shrinks the size of fat cells. The mechanical rollers and vacuum suction act on the blood vessels to increase circulation to the local area, as well as massaging the skin to achieve a smoother, less dimpled surface appearance.



How many inches can I reduce from my circumference?

In clinical studies, people report an average reduction of 1 inch post treatments. In clinical trials the average range of circumferential reduction was 0.5 – 3 inches.



What results can one expect from the VelaShape treatment?

Gradual improvements of cellulite in treated areas, firmer and tighter skin surface is also reported. Most people notice recontouring of areas such as saddlebags, love handles which are measurable by a reduction in circumference or girth. Added benefits of treatment include improved circulation and relief from muscles aches in The Treatment areas.



How often are treatments done?

The initial treatment series consists of 4-6 treatment sessions, with treatments once a week. Some people see improvement as soon as 2 treatments, others may need the full 4-6 treatments. Maintenance treatments are typically done once a month after the initial series in order to keep up the results achieved. Each treatment is between 20-30 minutes long but time varies depending on your size and how many treatment sites are indicated.



How many treatments are needed?

Most people achieve noticeable improvements after 2 sessions. Treatments are performed once weekly. Some people with more severe cellulite or lipodystrophy would benefit after 4-5 treatments in the initial treatment package. Maintenance treatments occur every 3-6 months thereafter.



What happens after each treatment?

The treated area may appear flushed or pink from the heat for a short while, and may feel warm for several hours after treatment. You can resume normal activities immediately.



How well is VelaShape treatments tolerated?

The Treatment is comfortable: it feels like a warm deep tissue massage for most people. There is some pinkness to the skin and the areas feel warm for a short while after a completed treatment session. Normal activities are resumed the same day.



Is treatment with the VelaShape safe?

Treatment is very safe for all skin colors and can be performed even on tanned skin. There are no long-term health hazards from light or RF energies. Excessive tanning from the sun; tanning-beds or tanning creams should be avoided 2 weeks prior to treatment.



Who should get VelaShape treatment for cellulite?

Anyone who wants improvement of the appearance of cellulite in the thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, or upper arms. Contouring of unwanted bulges and disproportionate fatty areas is also a benefit of VelaShape treatments. The effects of body contouring and reduction of girth for some people may be enhanced by compliance to healthy lifestyles.




The nonsurgical answer to your love handles and saddle bags. Watch as your fat and cellulite disappear forever! All it takes is a series of tiny injections which removes fat from fat cells without cell destruction or surgery using microscopic quantities of natural extracts and digestive enzymes into fat pockets. Lipodissolve is fat loss not weight loss. This method has been successfully used to treat localized body and facial fat for over 20 years.


Lipodissolve is a combination of ingredients designed for treating fat and Mesotherapy is primarily used for the treatment of cellulite, stretch marks and skin rejuvenation. They are both a medical specialty that involves injecting microscopic quantities of natural extracts, homeopathic agents, pharmaceuticals and vitamins into the skin. Mesotherapy can be used to reduce cellulite, anywhere on the face or body. This treatment has been successfully used for the treatment of localized body and facial fat as well as cellulite for more than 20 years.





The Treatment

LipoDissolve is a non-surgical series of micro-injections of a special pharmaceutical compound into targeted areas of fat. The chemical Phosphatidylcholine breaks down the outer walls of fat cells, causing the cells to break apart, after which the body carries away the residue. The process of LipoDissolve essentially removes existing fats cells, reducing fat in the targeted area that is being treated. Customarily, there will be a series of five treatment sessions, each spaced about two weeks apart. Most sessions will involve about 14 injections into the targeted area. Most clients say there is only minor discomfort or pain associated with the injections, however there can be bruising, itching, burning, swelling, or redness in the area following treatment.



Areas for Treatment

The most common areas appropriate for treatment are: • Abdomen • Thighs • Love handles • Back • Neck / Chin • Arms LipoDissolve is an excellent solution for select areas of fat that are particularly hard (or impossible) to lose with exercise or diet. LipoDissolve is not a good treatment for obesity. It’s a great way to contour the body you have. It is appropriate to treat more than one body area at a time, and in fact most clients do elect to treat at least two areas while making their treatment visits to our Center. However, we will only treat one area at the time of the first treatment to make sure that any adverse reaction to the chemical (which is extremely rare) is limited.



Who is not a Candidate?

Any one with a bleeding disorder, or who is currently on blood-thinning medications • Clients on insulin (Type I diabetic) • Any one allergic to soy products or eggs • Clients with severe renal disease, HIV, or cancer • Any one who is pregnant • Any one with autoimmune disease, Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, scleroderma, or siorgiens.



Possible side effects and limitations after treatment

As mentioned above, clients receiving LipoDissolve should expect some bruising and swelling following treatment. This would not inhibit you from returning to work or carrying on normal activities (unless the treated area is fully exposed, such as the chin). It may be necessary to wear larger-fitting clothes. No dangerous side effects to LipoDissolve treatment have come to our attention in our research of LipoDissolve.



Cost of Treatment

Our fees are charged per body treatment area, such as the abdomen, thighs, or arms. There is one fee associated with a complete area and the fee includes five treatments sessions. It is common for us to offer some special pricing, so please check with our front desk.



Best Results / Compliance by Client

Best results are achieved when The Treatments are used in conjunction with a quality weight loss program of diet and exercise, and water intake each day of at least 64 ounces.


Say good-bye to unwanted fat and cellulite!! Finally, a non-surgical treatment is available for unwanted fat and cellulite. Mesotherapy is a procedure using micro-injections of vitamins or conventional and homeopathic medications just under the skin. This has been used to help many different problems in the past, but has recently been touted as the latest breakthrough in The Treatment of unwanted fat and cellulite. It works wonderfully to reduce localized areas of fat deposits and cellulite, such as "love handle" and "saddle bag". The technique was invented in 1952 by Dr. Michel Pistor. It has been used in Europe for many years, but just recently gained acceptance in the U.S. While the procedure is becoming more popular in the U.S., it does involve the use of medications for off label purposes--meaning the procedure has not yet become FDA approved. At Renaissance Medical Spa all of the medications we use are obtained from very reputable U.S. compounding pharmacies. A vast majority of the population suffers from unwanted fat. While nothing can replace a good diet and exercise program, Mesotherapy can help to improve the results. It is ideal for those who work hard to keep their shape but have a couple of problem areas that won't respond to diet and exercise. The Treatment

  is not meant to induce a general improvement in overall body fat composition, nor is it meant to treat obesity. It is used to reduce localized areas of unwanted fat such as on the abdomen, thighs, etc; however, any amount of weight loss or reduction in body fat may improve your health.


Cellulite is a larger challenge to those what suffer from it. This differs from adipose or fat tissue. Cellulite is areas of fat that are "caught up" in connective tissue. This tends to develop more due to genetic predisposition or hormonal causes, among others. As areas of cellulite enlarge, venous and lymphatic drainage is impaired leading to edema. As it continues to worsen, the area may develop thickening of the skin and even an orange dicloloration. Ultimately, the skin may even develop changes in sensation and mobility. Cellulite can be classified in 4 stages based upon its appearance standing, laying and while pinching the skin.


Stage 0: No cellulite

Stage 1: Cellulite is only evident when the skin is pinched.

Stage 2: Cellulite appears when standing.

Stage 3: Skin has an orange appearance when the patient is lying down.

Stage 4: The skin has palpable knots from the cellulite.


Because of the "make up" of cellulite, it is much more difficult to treat. Diet and exercise remain very important but often are not sufficient to correct the problem. More invasive procedures such as liposuction are used treat this; however, there is a significant amount of risk associated with it. Other therapies such as lymphatic drainage or ultrasound are also frequently used but produce much less dramatic results which are often not permanent. Mesotherapy is quickly becoming The Treatment option of choice for many. Using only topical anesthetic cream, small injections into the "problem" area/s are performed every 4-6 weeks. Results can be seen in as little as 2 treatments. However, more treatments are often required depending upon the desired results, the location and size of The Treatment area.


Consultations are required to determine if Mesotherapy is right for you. You should not have Mesotherpy if you have an active infection at the desired treatment site, bleeding disorders, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have poorly controlled diabetes or a history of cancer. People with a history of blood clots, heart disease, congestive heart failure or kidney or liver disease should avoid this treatment. Anyone with an active skin disease or any other active or undiagnosed diseases are not candidates for The Treatment. People on blood thinners (Coumadin), asprin, heart medications or organ transplant medication should also avoid this treatment.




Azure Skin & Wellness Centre

408 LaFollette Station Center, Floyds Knobs, IN 47119


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